Ännu en ny blogg. Nämen! Anledningen till denna trolldom är att jag glömt mina inloggnings uppgifter till min andra blogg. Eftersom jag har många vänner utanför Sveriges gränser så kommer jag skriva på både Svenska och Engelska. Den Engelska delen kommer ligga sist, och under eventuella bilder. Designen kommer antagligen att ändras under tiden, men den får vara såhär nu. Bannern är gjord av Maria.
Another blog. Weird! The reason to this sorcery is that I forgot my login details to my other blog. Since I got friends outside of Sweden, I'll write in both Swedish and English. The English part will be put last, and underneath any possible photos. The Design will probably change as time pass, but it has to be like this for now. The header is made by Maria.
Another blog. Weird! The reason to this sorcery is that I forgot my login details to my other blog. Since I got friends outside of Sweden, I'll write in both Swedish and English. The English part will be put last, and underneath any possible photos. The Design will probably change as time pass, but it has to be like this for now. The header is made by Maria.
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